Deep Dark Secrets in the Window at Urban Alchemist

I noticed hand written notes on the window of Urban Alchemist, the charming jewelry and craft cooperative on Fifth Street just east of Fifth Avenue in Park Slope, and made a mental note to go back and find out more.

Alas, I didn't make it back in time. And now I see that the Brooklyn Paper has the story.  Turns out that the store is inviting customers and passerbys to put their secrets on the window. And guess what? The Daily Intel ran the story, too with a link back to BP.

Got a deep dark secret? Why not post it on the front of a Park Slope vintage jewelry and clothing store?

50 hand-written mysteries adorn the front window. Some are
innocuous (“I still sleep with my teddy bear” or “My resume is a
sham”), some are scandalous (“I once had sex with my teacher for an A
on a test”), some are just embarrassing (“I have a crush on Joey

Others are just plain horrifying (“I voted for McCain”).

“The idea is to let people reveal their secret,” said co-owner
Rebecca Shepherd. “You have no idea how much better you feel when you
let it out, even anonymously.”

Shepherd said her favorite was the secret of the lowly worker at a
Soho gallery who felt so put upon by his bosses that when they went on
vacation, he urinated in their Snapple bottles and then watched in glee
when the bosses drank from them days later.

“It’s so delightfully devious and awful,” she said.