Learn About Park Slope Architecture on Save the Slope

Learn about the architectural history of Park Slope at Save the Slope, which has lots of information and photographs. Gowanus Lounge says that the blog is connected with the Park Slope Civic Council and its efforts to expand the Park Slope historic district. At STS, you can read about:

–St. Matthew’s English Lutheran Church on 6th Avenue and 2nd Street:

A slight air of neglect surrounds the church at 6th Avenue and 2nd
Street in Park Slope. The cornerstone has crumbled away and is no
longer readable. However, it is possible to make out the words
“Matthew’s” and “Lutheran Church”, carved on stone plaques mounted onto
the tower AND

–The limestone buildings on Third Street between 6th and 7th Avenue AND

–4-Family Flats:

Do you ever start to notice odd patterns, certain repeating motifs, in your surroundings?

the early apartment buildings pictured below. These are “4-family
flats”, each built to house one family per floor. There are 4-family
apartment houses all over Park Slope, often with full-height, 3-sided
bays. These apartments were frequently built in series, several
buildings in a row, with continuous facade banding and cornices.

Fun reading.

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