Brooklyn Based: Best Dim Sum is in Bensonhurst

Brooklyn Based  consulted Midtown Lunch about the best dim sum in the city. Just in time for  the Year of the Ox celebrations. He picked World Ton in Bensonhurst.

Picking one dim sum place and calling it the best is a silly
exercise, especially when the most popular forms of this weekend
Chinese staple come in so many shapes and sizes. There are the giant
caverns, where you sacrifice quality for quantity, and your Sunday
morning becomes an exercise in Darwinism (i.e. the weak don’t eat).
There are the smaller places that don’t have too many items, but what
little they do focus on is top notch. Then, of course, there are the
places that forgo the carts in favor of made-to-order dim sum from a
menu. (These places shouldn’t even be considered as far as I’m
concerned. After all, half the enjoyment of dim sum is diving into the
unknown waters of off-the-cart selections.)

Silly exercise or not, I’m still going to do it: World Tong is the best dim sum in New York City.
And it’s not in Manhattan’s Chinatown, or Flushing or even in Sunset
Park, Brooklyn’s under-appreciated Chinatown. It’s in Bensonhurst, and
despite being an overly crowded, small-scale dim sum parlor, the
quantity of food that flies out of their kitchen is more astounding
then some places five times its size.