Helmets for Sledding?

There's an interesting discussion over at Park Slope Parents about whether kids should wear helmets when they go sledding. There seems to be quite a mix of opinion. I enjoyed this response by "a mother of 2 kids who know how to WALK up the SIDE of the hill, where she will be waiting." 

Please, do not make sledding with helmets the norm. As one PSPer so eloquently stated, in Russia, children went sledding, and had the satisfaction of learning how to sled on their own.

How refreshing!

Sometimes our kids will get hurt, but we cannot bubblewrap the world, or wear a helmet everywhere. Don't allow the death of common sense to be America's dominant paradigm.

I fear the conglomerate issue of safety, neuroses, and liability has become the nail in the coffin of
real play.

Safety is a modern day obsession, and I must ask, at what cost?

One thought on “Helmets for Sledding?”

  1. As a person living with tbi. The loss of brain function to me outweighs everything else. It just took me 3 minutes to remember tbi…I fell ice skateing as a child. No one would never know meeting me, but I struggle everyday remembering basic things. My i.q. is not effected ,but when I introduce my wife and can’t remember her name it’s a problem.
    I’m a proud father of a 14 month old girl. I won’t have her walk around with a helmet on, but if she wants to ride a skateboard…

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