Coney Island as Subject and Material: Richard Egan at 440 Gallery

From Brooklyn Based, an interview with Richar Eagan, an artist who uses Coney Island as both a subject and a material. He currently has a show at Park Slope's 440 Gallery.

Richard Eagan describes himself as “kind of a codger, in terms of
art.” Instead of following the predictable path of art school, his
career began with woodworking, then segued into art-making, followed by
shark training, beekeeping, and cross-dressing. In other words, he’s a
real Brooklyn character.

His artwork often references Coney Island, the fetishized,
nostalgia-steeped, and now culturally threatened seaside amusement
space not far from his lifelong home. It was under the canopy of
rainbow-tinged metal limbs that Eagan vacationed with his grandfather
as a young boy, partied with his peers as a young man, became involved
in the artistic community and co-founded the Coney Island Hysterical
Society, a group of 12 artists who resuscitated rides and infused
sideshow attractions with art.

The Where and When

Richard Egan

Show open through February 15

440 Gallery

440 6th Avenue

Park Slope