What Does Booty Head Mean?

Over at Park Slope Parents they're talking about kids using bathroom words. My friend and OTBKB reader Mary said I could post the advice she sent to PSP. She says her approach is akin to what animal trainers use.

I find irritating them is the best defense. I look blankly at the
child in question and ask, "I don't get it. What does it mean?" And if
they say, "booty head." I say, "yes, but what does it mean? I don't
understand?" "Booty head." "umm, got it. what does it mean?" At this
point, said child has totally lost interest, because I've made the
game appallingly boring.

This has worked very successfully with worse phrases than booty head,
which I'm afraid I'm tempted to use myself at times.


Mary, who believes there are no bad words, only bad intentions