How Do You Feel Today? I Cried Twice Before 8 am

From friend and OTBKB reader Mary Sternbach:

My feeling(s) on this historic day:

I cried twice before 8 a.m. — just a few tears while watching footage
of the preps for inauguration on NY1, and then angry tears while
thinking of lives lost to bungled wars during the Bush administration,
the people tortured, the people ignored during natural disasters, the
damage done to the honorable ideals our country was founded upon.

Gratitude and Pride — our nation is pulling together in a way that
echoes the post-9/11 days. I am grateful to our new president for
putting out a sincere call to action to citizens of all walks of life.
Many want to do something in the face of our economic crisis and have
found inspiration in Obama’s words and deeds. I am proud to be a part
of a nation-wide, grassroots movement to serve others.

Excitement — P.S. 321 will empty out around 11:30 am as classes walk
over to classmates’ houses to watch the inauguration. I will be walking
and watching with my 2nd grader’s class—what better company to witness
this occasion than with our future national stewards?

At 12:01 pm, my heart will be singing “Ding, Dong the Witch is Dead,”
even as I am cheering the inauguration with millions around the world!

Then,  it’ll be nap time — I’m way, way too keyed up!