Rabbi Andy Bachman: The Debate Inside Israel on Gaza War

Today I posted about a Brooklyn for Peace rally against the war in Gaza, scheduled for  Wednesday late afternoon at Brooklyn Borough Hall. Intuitively, I am against this war for a variety of reasons. But I know the situation is complex and it causes me much pain and confusion. I went to Rabbi Andy Bachman's blog to see if he's been writing about the situation. I gather that he sees this as a just war. I was curious to read his point of view.

This weekend’s edition of Haaretz in
English has several articles worth looking at for those out there
dealing with Israel’s war in Gaza.

What you should be
impressed with, regardless of your feelings about Israel’s decision to
attack, is the incredible range of debate in the press.

Ari Shavit’s The Decisive Hour

Gideon Levy’s The Time of the Righteous

Dror Etkes Don’t Forget the West Bank

Sayed Kashua (a regular Arab Israeli contributor) Cast Lead 2

Besides the calls for a truce, there are the many practical considerations.

so many refuse to acknowledge–even to hard-core two-staters like yours
truly–is how abysmal the support actually is for peace.

instance, Hamas in Gaza has received its steady flow of rockets and
munitions through the infamous tunnels of Egypt, which has essentially
looked away while Israel attempts to defeat Hamas. In diplomatic
circles, Egypt agitates for a truce.

But who will police the border between Gaza and Egypt? Not Egypt.

Which is why leftist centrists like myself struggle with but ultimately accept the necessity of Israel doing what it’s doing.

Yes: end the occupation and create two states.

what happens when the West Bank has a chance to arm in the same way?
With rockets that could easily hit any part of Israel?

It’s not so easy.

And in our neighborhood, it’s often lonely.

The former Brooklyn Parents for Peace–now Brooklyn for Peace–is
calling for a rally that condemns Israel but says nothing about any
attacks FROM Gaza or Lebanon these last several years. Conveniently,
the answers are simple and one-sided.

But I take heavy heart in the realistic debate going on inside Israel, far away from our opinions here in Brooklyn.

There will be rally after rally on all sides in the coming days.


I’d love to hear realistic ideas once we agree on getting to two-states.

Close out with Tom Segev here and Doron Rosenblum here.

One thought on “Rabbi Andy Bachman: The Debate Inside Israel on Gaza War”

  1. Here is a recent email from Rabbi Bachman – I imagine he’s trying to make Wed. evening’s program open to dialogue:
    Dear Friends,
    Many of us have watched with deep seriousness and concern the ongoing conflict in Israel and Gaza during the past two weeks.
    The violence and loss of life have been sad and, as in all wars, difficult to witness.
    We would like to share with you two immediate responses to this situation.
    1. A Community-wide Teach In about the situation in Israel and the Gaza Strip. Wednesday January 14 at 8 pm in the Rotunda at Congregation Beth Elohim. Learning sessions will be led by Rabbi Andy Bachman, Rabbi Daniel Bronstein, and Rabbi Shira Koch Epstein.
    2. The Union for Reform Judaism—of which Beth Elohim is a member—is supporting a community Rally in Support of Israel on Sunday January 11 at 11am across from the Israel Consulate at 42nd Street and 2nd Avenue in Manhattan. More information about the Rally can be found here.
    We are a diverse Congregation with many views about the current conflict. In the coming days and weeks, our Congregation will be a home for all of our members to share their concerns and offer support.
    With prayers for peace and best wishes for a Shabbat Shalom.
    Rabbi Andy Bachman
    David Kasakove, President

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