Wednesday: Brooklyn For Peace Rally Against Bombing of Gaza

Brooklyn for Peace is calling a candlelight vigil and protest rally on Wednesday, January 14th, from 4:30 to 5:30  at Brooklyn Borough Hall (at Joralemon Street and Court) to oppose the bombing and invasion of Gaza.

We reject the launching of rockets by Hamas against civilians in Israel
But Israel's totally disproportionate response – a bombing campaign and
invasion of the Gaza Strip has resulted in hundreds of deaths and
thousands of injuries to innocent civilians and is a violation of
international law. It's also a counter-productive strategy making any
hope of reaching a peaceful settlement between Israel and Palestine
even more unlikely.
We believe, as Americans, we have a
special obligation to oppose this war. Three billion dollars a year in
U.S. military supplies to Israel is allowing this war against innocent
civilians to happen. With November's election, it's time for a drastic
change in U.S. policy – one that is more even-handed and promotes
negotiation not confrontation.
We understand that there are
differences of opinion on long-term solutions to the problems of the
Mideast. But if you are as upset as we are by this bombing campaign and
invasion, we hope you will join us at a