Seeking: Unsung Heroes Who Are Making Distinctive Contributions

My cousin is the Executive Director of the Petra Foundation, which identfies and recognizes unsung heroes who are making distinctive contributions to the rights of others. Here's the email I received this morning. If you are thinking of nominating someone make sure you read the criteria carefully.


year since 1988, through a national search and nomination process, Petra has
identified and recognized unsung heroes who are making distinctive contributions
to the rights, dignity and autonomy of millions who are marginalized in America

 Now almost 80 in number, Petra Fellows work in 29 states, often at risk and without
the safety net of personal privilege or institutional support. The foundation
gives fellows a no-strings personal financial award, publicizes their models
for change and welcomes them to a national network of leaders working across
the divides of age, ethnicity, class and issue to build a more just society.

you know a leader who fits the awards criteria, please nominate your candidate
for a Petra Fellow award. If you know of others who might make a
nomination, please forward this note and help to spread the word.

awards guidelines and brief nomination questionnaire can be easily downloaded

read the guidelines closely and note that nominations are submitted without the
knowledge of the nominee by those who know the nominees and their work.

year’s deadline is February 12, 2009.  If you have any
questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

your help, the Petra Foundation will continue to champion local leaders who are
fighting on the frontlines of the struggle for justice.

look forward to hearing from you!