Closes January 10: The Art of Politics at the Brooklyn Public Library

Political artist Randy Jones exhibits his work in the main lobby of the Brooklyn Public Library at Grand Army Plaza:

This exhibition shows three aspects of my art: current (featuring
the long march of the 2008 presidential race), historical and the Inner
Circle Annual Roast for Mayor of New York City.

From food fights to lipstick, the first section features highlighted
events leading up to the memorable 2008 presidential campaign. It also
includes tear-sheets and original artwork from this long two-year race.

The second section features some of our favorite historical figures
such as Teddy Roosevelt, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and Bud Abbott
and Lou Costello. It includes original art and the tear-sheets from the
publications in which they were printed.

Finally, work from the Inner Circle is featured. The Inner Circle
has been around since New York City Mayor Hylan (1918-1925) was in
office, and it continues to operate today. Its 100 members are
reporters who have covered City Hall and who are elected to join by the
standing members. I have created art that illustrates the songs about
the political year, from mayoral to national politics, written and
performed by the members of the Inner Circle. My first year doing so
was the last year of Mayor Dinkins's time in office in 1993.