Hot Flash Flower Fan From Zuzu’s

As a recipient of Zuzu’s "Ladies List" I received this email about what I guess is THE gift for the menopausal and peri-menopausal women on your shopping list Zuzu’s. She’ll be selling them tonight at the Snowflake (Buy Local, Buy Late).

Dearest Ladies List Ladies….

I’m almost a little late for work right now,
Lorraine will be there by herself in 15 minutes.
I couldn’t wait to send this email out to you.
The Hot Flash Flowerfans just came this week.

I figured out a while ago that the most important thing I can do everyday is make sure that whoever comes into the shop feels as good as or better when they leave as  when they came in.

It’s good for business and good for my soul.
We try to make that the Zuzugoal, creed, mantra….

Of course it doesn’t always work.

It gets easier when we have good material:
Unusual  fresh flowers, new table linens, special seasonal treats…toys.

The Hot Flash Flowerfan is good material.
When I ordered them I  pictured Lorraine
selling them, making slightly off color jokes,
getting personal, cackling the whole time.

Times like this we need our Joy.
We need to laugh and be good to one another.
Everyday at work, I try to focus on how lucky I am to have
Zuzus: the shops, the people I work with,
the regular fans, the newcomers.

Tonight we will break out the Reindeer Suits
wine, bread and cheese till 10 P.M. at The Big.
Come down for some hanging out.
We can play with the Flower Fans and
tell funny hot flash stories…are there any?

Oh…they’re $18.
Love to you all