Why Shop Local?

Sarah Pollock is the Director of Development for 826NYC. She
will be participating in Buy in Brooklyn’s Snowflake Celebration during
the first two Thursdays in December with the Brooklyn Superhero Supply Company,
who will be keeping their doors open late for everyone with a superhero on
their list.

Q: When did you start your nonprofit and why did you choose Park Slope?

A: 826NYC was
founded in 2004 (We’re now in our 5th year!!) to provide creative writing
education free of charge to students ages 6 to 18. We host drop-in tutoring and
homework help, field trips and evening workshops, in addition to our in-schools
programming. We chose Park Slope because we needed a location with a
store-front (for the Brooklyn Superhero Supply Company) in a neighborhood that
students could access easily, and teachers would feel comfortable bringing
their classes. Our location on 5th Avenue is fantastic, because of the
proximity to MS 51, among other public schools.

826NYC Factiod:
They never considered putting their organization, 826NYC, anywhere other than
Brooklyn. They are thrilled, happy and very proud to serve Brooklyn public
school students (who make up more than 80% of their programming).

Q: Which of the Sustainable
Business Network NYC’s
"Top Ten Reasons" to shop locally resonate most
with you & your organization?

A: Reason #3 definitely!
Local business owners invest in the community! One of our board members,
Brenda Casimir, owner of the Park Slope Tea and Coffee, is our
neighbor, board member and fervent supporter. (Her son Alex, quite possibly
attended more of our workshops than any other student in our history). And as
local business owners ourselves, we like supporting local stores whenever we
can. Which is why we’re happy to be a part of the "Buy in Brooklyn"
Snowflake Celebration!

Shop Local Factoid: Local businesses
are owned by people who live in this community, are less likely to leave, and
are more invested in the community’s future. Local business owners often serve
on the Boards of nonprofits, merchants associations and community boards.

"Why Shop Local?" is a communication initiative of the Buy in
Brooklyn team. To learn more about Park Slope’s Buy in Brooklyn campaign, visit
their website at
The site, with its ever-growing list of participants and partners is updated

Interview conducted by Rebeccah Welch