Slope Photographer’s Obama Book a Hit

From the NY Daily News:

Brooklynite Scout Tufankjian, 29, knows something about foresight.

Tomorrow, photos she started taking two years ago featuring a political long shot named Barack Obama hit bookstores in a sweeping, intimate portrait ("Yes We Can," PowerHouse, $29.95) of the President-elect’s historic campaign.

But, as Tufankjian tells it, the opportunity to go behind the scenes with Obama is something she almost passed up.

A photographer for the Polaris Images agency, Tufankjian built her portfolio working in Northern Ireland and the Gaza Strip.
Assigned to cover what she assumed would be a "deadly-dull"
book-signing, she wondered if the event was worth the five-hour drive
from her home in Brooklyn to New Hampshire, where it was taking place.

That drive, she notes, was "probably the best decision I ever made."

The man signing books was Barack Obama, who had at that time only
hinted at his presidential run. By the end of the day, Tufankjian was
on the phone with her editor, telling her that when Obama stepped onto
the road to the White House, she’d be with him.