Sat: Opening and Reading at Amos Eno Gallery

Amos Eno Gallery is pleased to present “Close,” an exhibit of new
photographs by Anthony Cuneo, on display from November 25 to December
20, 2008. A reception for the artist will be held December 4th from
6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
There will be a reading by Ellen Ferguson, Marian Fontana, Louise Crawford and others as part of this opening in DUMBO.

Anthony Cuneo began work on the images comprising “Close” in
2007, shooting in venues as different as New Mexico and suburban New
Jersey, and exploring subjects as diverse as the birth scars left on a
landscape by seam volcanoes or the root systems of invasive plants.
Working digitally from film originals, Cuneo adjust his images, on
occasion combining them into pairs or triptychs, sometimes presenting
them in a straight-forward manner, sometimes manipulating their colors
and values in a tactile fashion.

An awareness of touch and texture is very evident in these new
photographs and the viewer frequently senses that the objects shown
echo other forms and traditions; the word “close” refers not only to
the distance from which the images were shot but the sense that the
resultant pictures contain meanings held close within, layered behind
the ostensible subjects and needing close reading to be understood.
Located within the shadow cast by the photographer (an homage to Lee
Friedlander), a pair of rocks read as a heart or lungs. Shot suspended
in space, roots twist and curl like capillaries. Elements of landscape
are treated as objects, the objects become bodies, the bodies reveal
their own internal landscapes. Closely observed textures and forms
paradoxically seem powerfully, palpably solid and dangerously fragile.

Cuneo received his M.F.A. in painting from the University of
Pennsylvania and has been exploring photography over the last several
years. With this exhibit, he begins to treat his photographic works in
a painterly way, manipulating and combining images. He has an extensive
national exhibit record and is represented in numerous private
collections. Cuneo’s work is remarkable for its compelling aesthetics
and expressive power.

The Amos Eno Gallery is open Tuesday through Saturday from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

The Where and When

December 13, 6 pm – 8 pm
Opening of Close and Reading
Amos Eno Gallery
111 Front Street, #202 In Dumbo
Brooklyn, NY 11201