Watch The Limbo Room on the Sundance Channel

This month you can see The Limbo Room, a film by Park Slope writer, Jill Eisenstadt and her sister, Debra Eisentadt on the Sundance Channel. The first screenin gis at 10 p.m.. For other times, check the listings on the Sundance channel website.

This modern day drama about life in the theater and the politics of sex
revolves around a long time Off Broadway understudy. Ann receives a
much-needed dose of hope when a fellow understudy (Russell) takes over
a principal role to much acclaim. But, when an on-stage rape scene
sparks an off-stage affair between Russell and his co-star (KC), the
line between reality and fiction becomes blurred. Soon KC is accusing
Russell of really harassing her during the performance. Is KC truly a
victim? Is Russell actually a villain? No one can tell. Thrust into the
middle of the conflict, Ann questions the motives of everyone around
her while allowing her own vanity and ambition to lead her astray.