Monday: Famous Accordion Orchestra at Barbes

They used to be called Accordian Angels and now they’re the Famous Accordion Orchestra. For a moment they were thinking about Squeeze Louise and I liked that but they obviously passed on that idea. ,

Oh well.

But they’re the only accordion quartet in Park Slope and maybe the only one in Brooklyn. I will look to my neighbor Bob Goldberg to correct me on that.

Tomorrow night they’ll be at Barbes

The Where and When

Monday, December 8 at 7 p.m.
Barbes on 9th Street just east of 6th Avenue
Suggested donation is $10

One thought on “Monday: Famous Accordion Orchestra at Barbes”

  1. thanks, louise, for the mention – onlytheblog readers were there (they told me). we can’t claim to be the only accordion quartet in brooklyn (i know of at least one, the gawlinski family quartet, from back in the day.) i hope it becomes a trend. i’ll keep you posted of future gigs too,

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