Rain Dampens Snowflake Celebration But Fun Was Had

Rain may have kept crowds away from Buy in Brooklyn’s Snowflake Celebration on Thursday night but those who came out to the buy local, buy late event on Seventh and Fifth Avenues were greeted with special treats, discounts and high spirits.

There was a lively crowd at Brooklyn Mercantile, on Fifth Avenue near 4th Street, where the store’s artisans were on hand and there was a paper snowflake making workshop with Barbara Ensor, as well as a demonstration of bookbinding.

Under the Pig, an antique store on Fifth Avenue near Fifth Street, had a crowd of late night browsers (and hopefully shoppers) as did Zuzu’s Petals, where owner Fonda Sera was dressed as a reindeer and shoppers were treated to delicious cheese, salami and wine.

It was the usual wild and crazy business at Brooklyn Superhero Supply Company, which was also open late. And the Old Stone House was presenting Shorts 4 Dog, a fundraiser for the National Disaster Search Dog Foundation

Corduroy Kid, a children’s clothing shop with a nice selection of stocking stuffers deemed appropriate for older kids, and Diana Kane were open for business until 10 p.m. Diana Kane was offering delicious chocolate covered ginger and interesting nuts.

The Community Bookstore, epicenter of the Buy in Brooklyn campaign, had a snowflake machine (pictured in today’s No Works Daily Pix and Erica of Erica’s Rugalach was on hand to give out free rugalach and macaroons, as well as to show off attractive gift baskets.

Here’s hoping for better weather on Thursday December 11 at the second night of the Snowflake Celebration.