Give Where You Live


Brooklyn ’s Independence
Community Foundation has created
Brooklyn Gives to
encourage Brookynites to give where they live.

There are so many things to love about Brooklyn: our neighborhoods, our parks, our culture, and most importantly our people. But you may not realize it is the creativity, attitude and heart of our nonprofit community that really make a big Brooklyn difference in the lives of so many people and institutions. You can help these great organizations provide emergency food, care for the homeless, build affordable housing, educate our young people, green our neighborhoods, bring pleasure and insight through culture, and so much more.

As you consider your holiday and end-of year charitable giving, why not include a few of the outstanding non-profits working in and for Brooklyn.

Want to know more? Check out for a sample list of groups working to build a better Brooklyn for ALL of us.

Give where you live Brooklyn, and happy holidays to all.