Snowflake Celebration: Shop Local, Shop Late!

On December 4 and 11 (two Thursdays): local retailers are staying open late, until 10
pm, offering discounts and throwing a party, to help you keep it close
to home.
Login in to www.buyinbrooklyn. com
to check out the much more than 100 local shops that will be  open late on
these two nights.  And remember there will be carollers, snow machines,
free food and goodies all along the way. Catherine Bohne of the Community Bookstore had this to say:
Times are tough, ladies and gents, but such as times are, we’re
all in ’em together.  So lets keep it close to home, and enjoy it all
together, too.
Stay tuned for more news. And yes, Virginia, the bookstore will have snow machines again.
Lotsa love,
PS.  Don’t forget the Tree Lighting ceremony on Saturday December
6th, 5 pm at J.J. Byrne Park (aka:  Old Stone House, corner of 3rd
Street and 5th Avenue), which threatens to feature yours truly and Tod,
dressed as elves (or, to be strictly truthful, Elf and elf-dog).
Festivities and refreshments abounding!