December 9: Binibon, A Music-Theater Piece at Issue Project Room

Issue Project Room presents a free preview reading by Elliott Sharp and Jack Womack of Binibon

Deborah Harry, William Gibson, Robert Longo, Tony Conrad, Toni Dove,
Jonathan Lethem and ISSUE Project Room invite you to a special free
reading of excerpts of BINIBON, the new music-theater piece by Elliott
Sharp with text by Jack Womack and direction by Tea Alagic that will
premiere at The Kitchen in May 2009.

BINIBON is a work of both musical theater and alternative history based on
the 1981 murder by Jack Henry Abbott of Richard Adan. Richard was a waiter
and the night manager at the Binibon, a cafe and 24-hour hangout on 2nd
Avenue at 5th Street in the East Village, a nexus for artists,
musicians,neighborhood characters and bohemians true and faux. It was a
place that E# spent many an hour drinking bottomless cups of terrible
coffee during 1979-81.

The Where and When

December 9 at 8 p.m.
Issue Project Room
232 3rd Street
Brooklyn, NY
