New Blog on the Block: Fucked in Park Slope

I’m just getting to know Fucked in Park Slope (Embrace the Hate), a new Park Slope blog, serving Park Slope since the Great Depression of 2008.

Here is their about page:

Fucked in Park Slope (FIPS) is written by Benjamin and Erica (and sometimes some other people too).

The videos are all shot and edited by Greg.  Also he gathers the weekly craigslisting roundups.

You can read some other stuff written by Erica here or here.

all *really* do live here in Park Slope, Brooklyn. Sometimes we love it
and sometimes we hate it, but I guess mostly we love it because we’re
all still here and don’t have any immediate plans to move.

Benjamin is married and has kids, and Erica doesn’t. Greg doesn’t either, which is convenient, b/c he’s married to Erica.

of us belong to the food coop, are organic gardeners, vegans,
lovocores, or any of that other bullshit. Greg-n-Erica have a dog.