Why Shop Local?

Scott Carney and Melanie Kozol are the owners of Bussaco. They will be participating in Buy in Brooklyn’s Snowflake Celebration during the first two Thursdays in December (12/4 and 12/11) by offering hot mulled cider to passers-by.

Q: When did you open for business and why did you choose Park Slope?

A: We opened our restaurant on October 3, 2008. We love Prospect Park and have many friends in the neighborhood.

Bussaco Factoid: Their communal table is made from a fallen white oak tree from Prospect Park.

Q: Which of the Sustainable Business Network NYC’s "Top Ten Reasons" to shop locally resonate most with you & your business?

A: Reason # 3: Our one-of-kind businesses are an integral part of Brooklyn’s distinct character. Businesses in general are spirited outgrowths of the people that create them. Our home-grown enterprises deserve local support to further the wonderful array of choices we now enjoy in all corners of our borough.

Shop Local Factoid: The unique character of Brooklyn is what brought owners here and what will keep them here. Shopping at local businesses will help maintain Brooklyn’s unique urban landscape.

Interview conducted by Rebeccah Welch