Screening and Benefit for National Disaster Search Dog Foundation at OSH

Here’s an email from Willie’s Dawgs, Park Slope tasty special hot dog place on Fifth Avenue.

The good folks at Willie’s have a favorite customer, local Park Sloper, Peter Taft, who is an EMT with an exquisite search and rescue dog Cassius. 

There is no government agency that trains or provides these amazing working dogs, it is all done by private  work and donation. It takes about 10K to train each one.

Having lived through the World Trade Center Disaster I can personally attest to the absolute essential life saving and heroic services these dogs provide.

Willie’s is having a great benefit for The National Disaster Search Dog Foundation. Spread the good word!!

The Where and When

Come to our benefit short film screening 12/4 Thursday 7:30 pm
Hotdogs, beer, popcorn, free stuff, all for $20.00
Proceeds to benefit The National Disaster Search Dog Foundation