Brooklyn Couple Among Dead in Murbai Hostage Crisis

Sadly, it was confirmed by the Chabad-Lubavitch, headquartered in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, that Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg (who was raised in Brooklyn) and his wife, Rivka Holtzberg (raised in Israel) were killed in the hostage crisis in the Chabad house in Murbai. Their 2-year-old son, Moshe, was smuggled out of the house by an employee and is with relatives in Israel.

From the Jerusalem Post:

Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg, 29, and his wife Rivka, 28, arrived in Mumbai six years ago as official emissaries [shluchim] of Chabad.

Gavriel, who was born in Israel and grew up in Kiryat Malachi, moved with his family to New York at the age of ten. He has dual citizenship.