Kidverse from The-Oh-So-Prolific-One, Leon Freilich

Kidverse: Bagel, Bagel

Bagel, bagel, little roll,
Where’d you get that funny hole?
Smeared with cream cheese piled so high
That it reaches to the sky!

Bagel, bagel, little roll,
Where’s you get that funny hole?

Would  some butter do as well?
Fewer calories. docs yell;
Substitute some margarine
To avoid a double chin?

Bagel, bagel, little roll,
Where’s you get that funny hole?

Who has got possession of
Middle pieces that I love?
Does it go to kids who’re poor
Or just fall upon the floor?

Bagel, bagel, little roll,
Where’s you get that funny hole?

Can I make some into a necklace
Or is that considered reckless?
Squeeze one  with my mighty fist
So it fits my little wrist?

Bagel, bagel, little roll,
Where’s you get that funny hole?

Children tell me, is it true,
Bagels help when someone’s blue,
And on Saint Patrick’s Day,
They’re all green from kelly spray?

Bagel, bagel, little roll,
Where’s you get that funny hole?

What I’d really like to see
Is a bagel made for me–
Tasting sweet as sweet can be
Dough that’s sparkling with candee.

Bagel, bagel, little roll,
Where’s you get that funny hole?

Once a Lower East Side treat
Now you’re something that all eat,
Bagel, bagel, near and far,
Global crossover star.

Bagel, bagel, near and far,
Global crossover star.