Eleanor the Organizer: She is the One!

Okay. So I finally succumbed. Last week I called Eleanor Traubman of Creative Times and a professional organizer and cried, SOS. I was feeling completely overwhelmed and disorganized and I could not face the big green tub of unopened mail I had to look at and file.

Luckily Eleanor had time the very next day to come over. Phew. What a life saver.

How to describe what Eleanor does. First of all, she is very calm and calming and she doesn’t judge. Maybe she was just being nice, but she didn’t faint when she saw my existing filing system or the huge tub of mail.

Then we sat down and began to organize me. Basically she taught me a couple of tricks. The first one is a wonderful acronym: RAFT.

I kept thinking life raft and what a life saver Eleanor is.

R means refer. A means action. F means file. T means toss.

So that’s what we did for the better part of two hours. And as we did this, Eleanor created these lovely file labels for me and I felt like a patient in a nice warm bed getting chicken soup in the form of organized files.

After two hours life saver Eleanor left me with a shopping list and a smile. Oh and an appointment for next week. Her number is this. Call her now if you need SOS: 917-499-7395.