Yorkshire Terrier Stolen From Key Food on Montague Street

Here’s a story from Brooklyn Heights. If anyone can help please let me know.

Tonight, walking down Montague Street around 6pm, I heard a woman
scream outside Key Foods. She was screaming for her missing Yorkshire
Terrier, Midnight, whom she has tied up to the post while she went in
the store.

I walked around the corner to Remsen Street, where the woman lives,
and spoke to a man that was helping her during this crisis. He told me
that the Yorkshire Terrier is female, black with tan feet and her name
is Midnight. He also said that the stock boys that were unloading a
truck in front of the Key Foods when her dog was stolen said that a
medium build man wearing a green hat took her.

This is not quite as important, but I also have to note that I was
standing across the street watching as the woman was in panic. She got
very little help from the workers outside of Key Foods. After she went
away in shock, one of the boys started laughing and actually fell down
in some sort of performance for his co-workers.

This is all I know and just want to share this story to help this
woman find her dog. I don’t know what you would do with it but I feel
its important for the community to know that this has happened.

One thought on “Yorkshire Terrier Stolen From Key Food on Montague Street”

  1. My pug, Mr. Furley, was stolen 3 years ago outside of the deli on Union and 4th Avenue. Pet theft is very rampant in PS especially small pure-bred looking dogs because they can hide them under jackets. FYI, these dogs are sold for drug money on the street. Luckily after 1 week I got Mr. Furley back after putting up flyers all over PS in English AND Spanish and talking to every fireman, sanitation worker, mailman and police officer in the neighborhood. fIDO was kind enough to post on their board as well. A woman saw my flyer on 3rd street and said her dad bought him for $20. She was all the way over in Bushwick! Miracle of miracles I got him back, although sadly he just passed away a few weeks ago. Just a warning to everyone — if you see a small dog tied up, stay with it until the owner returns or don’t tie them up at all. Luckily most people were helpful but there were alot of dismissive people along the way. Losing a dog is as close to losing a child for some of us.

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