This Weekend: Icky Fest at Brooklyn Children’s Museum

This weekend, your kids can be a “grossologist” at Brooklyn Children’s Museums’ first Icky Fest – a weekend festival of yucky fun for all on November 22nd and 23rd.

Icky Fest is designed to educate children about the science behind
things that are usually considered gross, yucky and completely
distasteful but has role and purpose in the cycle of life.

Icky Fest features a variety of downright disgusting science related activities like creating snotty slime, dissecting regurgitated owl pellets, touching a hissing cockroach, watching a slithery snake eat lunch and the study of poop,  garbage and more!  Explore the slimiest and stickiest things throughout the museum – organ jars, snake skins, and worms.

Programs highlights include:

Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Magic of Chemistry with Lisa Lou – 1:30 PM

Magic tricks and circus skills help explain atoms, molecules, the elements, compounds, solutions, magnetism, and static electricity. Using ingredients found in everyday life, a balloon inflates all by itself, plain water changes colors and disappears, and liquids "magically" become solids. Ages 5 and up

Toss It Out!  – 11:00 AM

Join guest speaker Leslie Pearson from the NYC Department of Sanitation, and find out everything you wanted to know about New York City trash, but were afraid to ask! Discover where your garbage goes, how much waste people produce in the city, what a sanitation worker’s day is like, and more.

Saturday, November 22 & Sunday, November 23

Let’s Do Lunch! Snake Feeding – 1:00 PM

Don’t get grossed out when you see a snake dining on some delicate morsels.

Slimy Science /Snotty Slime – 2:00 PM

Calling all slime enthusiasts!  Create your own slime and explore the science of snot.

Magic Matter – 2:30 PM

Little scientists can get their hands sticky by creating a very special gooey stew. Ages 5 and under

The Scoop on Poop – 3:00 PM

Scat is where it’s at! Find out some of the clues animals leave behind, and discover how animals and people use dung. Meet the greatest garden pooper, see a dung beetle specimen, and make your creation out of elephant dung paper.

Owl Pellet Dissection – 3:30 PM

Little scientists will have fun learning about woodland owls and what they digest by dissecting regurgitated owl pellets.  It is going to be a hoot!

Sunday, November 23

Icky Sticky Bubbles! with BubbleMania – 1:30PM

Join Seth Bloom from BubbleMania for a show with visual comedy, quick wit, and big-band swing music.  Find out about the often unbelievable qualities and the beauty of spherical liquids.   Ages 5 and up

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