Brooklyn’s Jailbreak Toys, Makers of Obama Action Figures and More

Just got an email from artist Jason Feinberg, founder of the Brooklyn-based *Jailbreak Toys, who explore" the intersection of popular art and history with his original line of Toys for Smart People." 

In the last few months Feinberg has had great success with his Obama action figure, subtitled "The Figure With the Power to Transform a Nation." In his own words:

The Obama Action Figure hit the retail market in June and has enjoyed
phenomenal success. Created as a way for Feinberg to support the
candidate, ($1.00 from each figure sold went directly to the campaign)
the 6” figure includes 8 points of articulation and is packaged in a
window box with original Obama illustration art.

The figure retails for $12.99 and is available on the company website,
such online destinations as, and as
well as in over 700 retail outlets throughout the nation.

According to his publicist, Feinberg also created a John McCain Action Figure. However, after
the election Feinberg decided to giveaway his extra surplus instead of
continuing to market the figures.

Last week on Late Night with Conan O’Brien. Conan gave each member of the
audience a bag with 30 McCain figures. 6,000 figures were given away in

Feinberg has also created the Oddfellows collection, which includes three-inch, expertly sculpted vinyl figurines representing historical icons from the world of Art, Literature, Science and Politics.

Perfect for that special someone on your gift list who happens to be obsessed with Malcolm X, Salvador Dali, Frida Kahlo, Andy Warhol, Ghandi, Picasso, Sigmund Freud and many others.

I know what I’m getting Hepcat for Hannukah/Christmas: The Nicolas Tesla action figure. Alright.

*(Thanks to JanetG and Printer’s Devil for catching the error in the headline)

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