Publicity Nightmare for Motrin b/c of Twitter Campaign That Targets Sling Moms

How do you spell Backlash? Or much ado about nothing. Or some ado about something. You decide.

Motrin’s new Twitter campaign is getting quite a negative response around town. Hepcat found this at Marketing Pilgrim. He sent it over with this note:

A story about parenting , public relations, blogging, and screwing everything up

They’re even talking about it on PSP with this headline:

Ad strikes dismissive tone on attachment parenting.

Here’s what Marketing Pilgrim had to say and the ad:

Whenever I counsel clients about the use of social media, I always
advise they speak to their target audience and figure out what
messaging (and channel) would appeal to them.

I’m not sure if the manufacturer of Motrin
followed that advice, but judging by the enormous backlash the company
is facing over it’s new Motrin “Mom-Alogue” video, I suspect they
didn’t speak to a single mother (at least, they didn’t speak to any
that use Twitter).

Taking a look at the negative Twitter conversations surrounding #motrinmom
demonstrates that Motrin is, in just a few short hours, facing a huge
reputation disaster–initiated by the very audience Motrin hoped to
target, “Mama Bloggers.”

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