Late Blog Edition

The day just flew away from me. Just flew. Woke up early and couldn’t take my head out of the teriffic book I’m reading: Free Food for Millionaires.

Then there was nothing in the fridge and I had to go out in the teeming rain to get the basics. I was all set to got but the exterminator came and ya can’t refuse the exterminator.

Before I left OSFO added some "essentials" to the list: don’t forget the double- stuffed Oreos, the caramel, the cookies and cream ice cream…

Out into the crazy morning rain, it was like a flash flood with huge pools of water in the curbs on Seventh Avenue, which inspired me on the spot to buy a pair of Hunter rain boots at Good Footing.

When I got home I realized that I didn’t even get the most important item on my list: Dawn dish soap. Back out in the rain with my sturdy new Hunter rain boots.

Back at home: food for the family. It’s like I’m a short order cook around here. Grilled cheese. Bacon. Eggs. Coffee. Toast. Do you want butter on that?

Then just as I was thinking about blogging sleep pulled at me like a tug or war. I tried to resist but the green leather couch beckoned…

Sleepy sleep sleep slumber.  What better way to spend a rainy Saturday afternoon…

How about seeing Rachel Getting Married tonight?