
Yesterday a Sunset Park woman wrote in with a request:

Would you happen to know where I can send a resume to work alongside President Elect Obama in the White House? I would like the Chicago information so that his office would get it as soon as possible. Is there an e-mail?

An OTBKB reader wrote: "That is sweet, and naive and valiant, and sweet. The great thing about
this man is, we can work from where we are. That is perhaps the best
gift he will give this country. Confidence in the power of the
individual to effect change."

Also last night, an OTBKB reader wrote in to say that Obama has set up a website for his transition:  www.change.gov

There’s a "jobs" section at the top – click on it to submit your info and to apply to help the new President.

5 thoughts on “www.change.gov”

  1. genetics,
    Did you know that your X chromosome contains 1000 genes and your Y gene has only about 100 genes so your X is 10 times larger than your Y. Use your mother’s genes as wisely as you have been doing.

  2. i am fiftythree.iam eager to work in us presidents office.iam a teacher. i dont know weather he will consider me.

  3. i am fiftythree.iam eager to work in us presidents office.iam a teacher. i dont know weather he will consider me.

  4. i am fiftythree.iam eager to work in us presidents office.iam a teacher. i dont know weather he will consider me.

  5. If I were American and twenty-five years younger, I would be applying right now. Congratulations, America, and thank you so much.

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