Bring a Book: Long Lines in Park Slope

Bring a book, a good book. I had Katha Pollitt’s Learning to Drive with me. I also had the Times. The lines are long outside of the polls. And once inside there was a wait as well.

I ran into a family I know. Mom, dad and two kids. Eating bagels and drinking coffee from La Bagel Delight conveniently located across the street from John Jay, they were in a great mood and fun to talk to. The excitement of the turnout at 7 am in the morning. A real sense of purpose.

"This is the way it should always be," the dad said.

I don’t know if it was just the before-work crowd. Maybe the lines will taper off as the day progresses. But then again, maybe not.

Sunny skies on this election day and people are in a very good mood.

Pix outside of PS 321 by Tom Martinez