Urban Environmentalist NYC – Sustainability Beat

Here is a snapshot of the sustainability issues that faced the borough and city this past October.
The links were complied by Rebeccah Welch, Associate Director of Public
Affairs, at the Center for the Urban Environment (CUE). To learn more
about CUE, visit

Pedestrians Get a Leg up Downtown [Brooklyn Paper]

Gowanus Canal Could Get Smellier Before It Gets Cleaner [Gothamist]

Wild Parrots Invading NYC Subway System? [Brooklyn Parrots]

Up From Flames: A Tour of Bushwick’s Nadir [BushwickBK]

The Brooklyn Greenway Has Arrived [Brownstoner]

Small Town Values in a Big City Election [Gotham Gazette]

Discount Buses Create Pollution and Congestion (AM New York)

What Do Mona Lisa and Greenpoint Waste Digesters Have in Common? [NAG]

Wave Goodbye to ‘Park’ Walkways [Brooklyn Paper]

Holy Crap: A Little Fishing in the Gowanus Canal [GL]

Brooklyn’s Retail Boom [Gotham Gazette]

Young People Going Back to the Farm [WNYC]

Urban Environmentalist NYC – Ask the Expert [OTBKB]

Temporary Brooklyn Bridge Park Proves Popular [NY Post]

Economic Fallout [Gotham Gazette]

African Americans’ Role in Brooklyn Waterfront Development [CUNY News Wire]

City Adds Recycling Bins [NY Post]

Port Authority to Let Commuters Buy Emissions Credits [NY Times]

Video: Further Inside the Brooklyn Navy Yard [NY Post via Brownstoner]

Urban Environmentalist NYC: Q&A with Aunt Suzie  [GL]

It’s ‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle’ For One DUMBO Architect [Brooklyn Eagle]

Pint-Size Eco-Police, Making Parents Proud and Sometimes Crazy [NY Times]

Cycling Explodes in City [Press Release-DOT]