Dim Sum for One At Bussaco Brunch

Scott Carney, the owner of Bussaco, the new Park Slope restaurant and wine bar, has announced that the new Union Street restaurant will serve  weekend brunch beginning Saturday, November 8th. I’ve been there for wine (great list) while my friends happily ate appetizers (no bites, a good sign).  So I’m game to try anything there. The space has been artfully transformed from its prior incarnations as Black Pearl and Lentos.

Carney and company have created a somewhat high-end neighborhood restaurant that pays homage to Brooklyn in a variety of ways: ingredients from Brooklyn-based vendors like Kitten
Coffee in Bed-Stuy; commissioning a Brooklyn Navy Yard craftsman to construct the bar’s lovely communal table, which was made from a fallen oak from Prospect Park.

The kitchen staff has true cred:

Executive Chef Matthew Schaefer, an alumnus of Manhattan restaurants Aquavit, Judson Grill  and Le Bernardin,
echoes Carney’s commitment to local vendors. He purchases fresh produce
from Evolutionary Organics, Berried Treasures and Paffenroth
Gardens–all regular vendors at the Greenmarket–and dairy products from Evans Farm Dairy and Upstate Farms, a collective of farmers from upstate New York that deliver to chefs in New York City. Schaefer also purchases half a hog from Flying Pigs farms on a weekly basis to create house-made breakfast meats, including breakfast sausage, bacon and scrapple.

So what’s on the menu for brunch?

Schaefer’s modern American brunch
strikes a perfect balance combining tried-and-true favorites, like eggs Benedict made with back bacon (Canadian bacon) from the hog loin, with inspired deconstructions. One highlight is “Dim Sum for One,” which includes Bacon & Egg Sticky Rice, Steamed Shrimp Dumpling and Coconut Buns. Select from the list of fine Chinese teas to complement this meal.

spike up the morning, Sous Chef Kevin Adey has developed an “Angel
Mary,” his playful spin on the Bloody Mary. This crystal clear version
of the classic brunch favorite is made from a clarified puree of
tomatoes and celery, house-made Worcestershire and horseradish, black pepper, lemon zest and juice, mixed with raw jalapeno infused Vodka and served over ice.

I must say I’m very intrigued by the Angel Mary. And Dim Sum for One: genius. I’d say give the brunch a go. It really sounds good and should be quite popular I’m guessing. I’m not sure of the price points but will add as soon as I get them.

Bussaco is located at 833 Union Street, between 6th and 7th Avenues. The phone number is (718) 857-8828.