I run a small scholarship fund which raises money for a young
lady I know who is an extremely promising student but can’t get
financial aid for college because of her immigration status. She
attends BMCC, which is out of reach financially for her family, so my
friends and I have been sponsoring her tuition for the last 2 years.
This semester, I’m planning an auction (all products/ service will be
donated by my friends who are artists, photographers, massage
therapists, etc) to raise money for the fund. I am flexible on the date
but am tentatively aiming for some time in the weekend of November 21.I need a space for about 50-75 people for the auction and a
low-key party. Since it’s to raise money, I don’t want to have to pay
much (or at all) for it, so I’m looking for a generous soul who might
be able to help out. Do you or your readers happen to know any such
souls, or spaces that might be available? I’ve been making the rounds
of churches, etc. around town but have been striking out.
Fundraiser for Immigrant College Student Looking for Space
Just got this email from a loyal OTBKB reader who thought I might be able to help. Email her at jessica.broome(at)gmail(dot)com