Get the real paper edition of the Times today so you can see The City section story on page 4, The Days of His Life: 18 Years and 6,000 photos later, one man’s chronicle of his times. It’s big and lovely. The website doesn’t do it justice. Here’s an excerpt:
The narrative
that unfolds between those two images tells the story not only of the
friendships Mr. Livingston forged over the years but also the evolution
of a city. It charts New York’s progression from an era of urban decay
and fiscal crisis to a place characterized by the economic recovery
that had arrived by the time of Mr. Livingston’s death, of melanoma, in
1997. This was especially true downtown, where he lived for much of the
period covered in the photographs.Before Mr. Livingston died,
his friends Hugh Crawford and Betsy Reid promised they would not let
the project die with him. To commemorate the 10th anniversary of their
friend’s death, they digitally photographed the Polaroids and
reproduced them for an exhibition at Bard, in Annandale-on-Hudson, N.Y.
Wow! This is an amazing story. Thanks for sharing.
Your post didn’t mention the cool picture by Jamie Livingston of you, Hugh and young Henry that appeared in the City section as part of the article. Cheers. He was a very talented artist.
I had a thought, was it a coincidence or was he in some way a model for the Augie Wrenn character in Auster’s Christmas Story (aka the film Smoke) who also took a daily photograph (although Augie took it of the same corner) ? Any connection? Just a thought.