Say It Isn’t So: Fifth Ave’s A&S Pork Store Closing?

Gowanus Lounge reports some very alarming news about my favorite place to get great meats, breads, ready-to-heat Italian dishes and sandwiches: A&S Pork, one of the last holdouts of the real Fifth Avenue. It is not, however, as GL reports the last butcher shop in Park Slope. Western Beef on Fifth Avenue near 7th Street is also a great option.   aclose in June (I just found out thanks to an email from Gowanus Lounge). Here’s an excerpt from Gowanus Lounge about A&S:

On Friday, we posted a photo of the A&S Pork Store on Fifth Avenue in Park Slope. We put it up because it was a GL Flickr Pool picture and just thought it was a cool image. What we’ve learned since then is that the A&S Park Store, which is the last surviving butcher shop in Park Slope, will be closing soon. The blogger who does Adventures of a Gal, which often touches on Brooklyn real estate issues, emailed us to say that the stores, which has been in the same location since 1942, is being “forced to move out due to a skyrocketing rent, they only have 3 months to find another place.”