3epkano and Sunrise at BAMcinematek

We may do this for our 19th wedding anniversary next Wednesday night.

The Irish ambient rock group 3epkano perform an original score to accompany F.W. Murnau’s silent cinematic masterpiece at BAMCinematek on July 16th (the big day). This program is supported by the Goethe Institute New York and Culture Ireland.

Sunrise (1927) 95min
Wed, July 16 at 7:30pm*

–Original score performed by 3epkano and followed by an after-party sponsored by The Onion
–Directed by F.W. Murnau
–With George O’Brien, Janet Gaynor

Considered by many to be the zenith of the silent age, F.W. Murnau’s masterwork tells the tale of a married farmer from the country. When he falls for a sophisticated woman from the city, she manipulates him into the decision to kill his wife. Janet Gaynor won the first Academy Award for Best Actress for her role in Sunrise, which, with its strikingly expressive images, is a stunning example of pure cinema. “Simple, and intense images of unequalled beauty.”—Time Out Film Guide.