A member of Park Slope Parents agreed to share her report on yesterday’s press conference at Tweed with readers of OTBKB.
The press conference happened. I’m sure info will be pouring in this evening as all the
parents return from today’s round of class picnics….Gotbaum opened with a statement of support, asking for the DOE to get it together and
give us answers pdq. Bill De Blasio made some stronger statements in support of parents,
summing up the problems we face and even going so far as to ask for the schools to get
back their control over the process. He mentioned the emotional part of it, but also
stressed how it’s hitting us all in the pocket book. (btw, he is currently awaiting news on
his kids’ middle school app).Andrew Jacob and another spokesman for the DOE were there. they did not make
statements, but they were there to answer questions from parents after the conference
wrapped up. As far as I can tell, they pretty much did not give any good answers as to
what would happen, but they did take names. (yes, one more person with my info who
will not get back to me).4 or 5 parents gave impassioned statements as to why we need the DOE to wrap this up
quickly and give us the seats that we were denied for our kids.Lots of members of the press were there. I personally talked on camera to NY12 (on times
warner), a NYT photographer, and a few other people whose names I did not catch. Maybe
about 20 parents showed up? about half a dozen kids?We’ll have to wait and see what the coverage is tomorrow. but at least I for one feel like
Bill De Blasio is on the case and is working hard to get answers. I suggest calling his
office to get more info. Sarah Figuereo is the contact there.At least we got a chance to talk to people directly, but I’m not sure they were people who
can do anything……I”m interested in getting other people’s takes on it.