Help Finding An Obituary

A reader wrote in with this request. Please send repsonses to: poppy43tou(at)hotmail(dot)com

I am trying to track down an obituary announcing the death on September
23, 2006 of a 15 year old boy killed by an automobile or truck in
Brooklyn Heights.

The boy’s first name was Adam. I don’t have the last
name. He was killed chasing a baseball into the street.

Is there any
chance you can/would help me with this? Any assistance you could
provide would be greatly appreciated.

One thought on “Help Finding An Obituary”

  1. What publication? If you know, go to a library and look it up on microfilm or possibly online on their website. Or you can call them up. If you don’t know the publication, just look up the info the same way for each of the local dailies (there’s only 3-4 major ones–if you include Newsweek).
    Good luck.

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