Passover, Warsaw, 1943

Tonight is the first night of Passover, the eight-day holiday, also known as the festival of matzoh (or unleavened bread), that commemorates the Jewish exodous from Egypt.

It was on this day in 1943, which was also, like today, the first night of Passover, that  hundreds
of German soldiers entered the Jewish ghetto with tanks with plans to destroy the ghetto in three days.

Resistance fighters fought back
with the guns and grenades they had been storing. The following excerpt about the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising is from The Writer’s Almanac for April 19, 2008.

Thanks to Leon Freilich, OTBKB’s Verse Responder, for sending this my way. And Happy Pesach.

Hitler’s army had invaded Poland in September of 1939. Warsaw was the last city in Poland to submit to the Nazis, but on September 27, after three weeks of resistance, the city finally surrendered. One Warsaw man wrote in his diary, "All about us buildings lie in ruins. … If there is a Hell, this is it. [The] hospital was set afire. … The shrieks of those trapped in the flames could be heard for blocks around, even above the crash of shells and bombs."

Conditions only got worse. There were about 300,000 Jews in Warsaw to begin with, but thousands more Jewish refugees streamed in from smaller towns. On October 3, 1940, about a year after the invasion, the Nazis officially announced the establishment of the Warsaw Ghetto.

They built a wall around a section of the city measuring about 20 blocks by six blocks. Jews were given a month to move into the ghetto, and all non-Jews were ordered to leave. Jews had to leave almost all of their possessions in their homes, and many of the Poles who left the ghetto area moved into their old apartments…

Almost all of the Jews in Warsaw lost their jobs, and many of them went
around collecting rags, bones, tin, and paper to sell to the Germans.
Some worked in factories and shops set up by the Nazis. Others started
trading on the black market.

In the winter, there were often fuel shortages, and not much gas and
electricity. Pneumonia, influenza, bronchitis, and other diseases were
common. Many people got frostbite, and some elderly people and children
froze to death in their beds. The ground was so hard that graves had to
be blasted out with dynamite. Fur coats, wood, and coal were smuggled
in to keep people warm.

Eventually, small resistance groups began to pop up in the ghetto. One
socialist group formed cells of five members each, so that the member
only knew of the other four people in their cell. Underground
newspapers were published in both Polish and Yiddish. The Nazis had
confiscated almost all of the printing presses in the city, but people
reconstructed presses from discarded machinery and printed the
newspapers on paper they found in the trash.

All the official schools were closed down, but secret schools were
formed in basements and abandoned buildings. Professional musicians who
had managed to keep their instruments began playing music on the
streets. One survivor said they "turned Warsaw into a city of song."

In the summer of 1942, the Nazis began Operation Reinhard — the
deportation of Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto to the concentration camp in
Treblinka. From July to September, more than 300,000 Jews were
deported, leaving only about 50,000 people in the ghetto.

When reports of mass murder leaked back to the ghetto, a group of
people, mostly young men, formed a resistance group called the Z.O.B. —
which in Polish stood for Jewish Fighting Organization.

Members of the group began ambushing Nazi officials and stealing their
weapons, and they got more weapons by smuggling them in from outside
the ghetto. The leader of the group, a 23-year-old man named Mordecai
Anielewicz, organized several underground factories for making
grenades, bombs, and mines. He also supervised the creation of a chain
of tunnels, trenches, and bunkers for people to hide out in.

In January of 1943, ghetto fighters opened fire on German troops as
they tried to round up more people for deportation. The Nazis were
forced to retreat and the Jewish fighters gained the confidence to go
ahead with a bigger revolt.

Then, on this day, April 19, 1943, the first day of Passover, hundreds
of German soldiers entered the ghetto in rows of tanks, planning to
destroy the ghetto in three days. But resistance fighters fought back
with the guns and grenades they had been storing.

Fighting went on for days; when they ran out of grenades the Jews
fought with kitchen knives, chair legs —whatever they could get their
hands on. They hid in their trenches and tunnels and in the sewers.
They held out for almost a month, but on May 16 the revolt ended. Nazis
burned down buildings, shot many of the remaining Jews, and sent the
rest of them to concentration camps.

On the 45th anniversary of the uprising, a survivor named Irena
Klepfisz said, "What we grieve for is not the loss of a grand vision,
but rather the loss of common things, events and gestures. …
Ordinariness is the most precious thing we struggle for, what the Jews
of the Warsaw Ghetto fought for. Not noble causes or abstract theories.
But the right to go on living with a sense of purpose and a sense of
self-worth — an ordinary life."