The other day, Smartmom ran into her neighbor, Ciao Bella, who wanted to know which Weight Watchers meeting she’s been attending. Smartmom told her that the Sunday morning meeting at the Montauk Club is top notch and that Melanie, the leader, is knowledgeable and inspiring. She even sends out a Thinspiration e-newsletter every week or so.
“That’s my New Year’s resolution,” Ciao Bella told Smartmom. She’s already lost 23 pounds on Weight Watchers, put 10 back on during the holidays and now wants to get back on track.
Way to go, Ciao Bella. Smartmom gave her loads of encouragement and hopes to see her at the Sunday meetings.
The two women have lived on the same block for more than 10 years — and in that Third Street way, feel a lot of affection for one another. Somehow, Ciao Bella knew that she and Smartmom were both going to be turning 50 this year and they got to talking about that, too.
“We should have a support group or something,” Ciao Bella suggested.
That seemed like a great idea. Ciao Bella wasn’t sure if it should be a support group or something a little more festive.
“Maybe a party or a gathering,” she said.
This got Smartmom thinking. A part of her loved the idea of a huge gathering of everyone in Park Slope who is turning 50. It could be like a secret society and called the Park Slope Half-Century Club and have a special handshake or something.
But then she wondered if she’d really want to attend something like this. She felt a little Groucho Marx about the whole thing and worried that it might be a drag. For Buddha’s sake, what does Smartmom have in common with a bunch of 50-year-olds?
The whole thing started to sound really depressing. It would probably be a first-class kvetch fest, an “I-can’t-believe-I’m-turning-50” kind of event. Smartmom was pretty sure she wanted no part of it. She still feels like she’s an 11-year-old in Mr. Giard’s sixth grade class at New Lincoln. As far as she’s concerned she’s still that same old gal.
Wake up, Smartmom. You’re 50 and there’s no denying it. You may feel like you’re 11, but add 39 years to that number. Get real, girlfriend.
Besides, maybe 50 isn’t so bad after all. Ciao Bella is turning 50, so is Epic Poetry Mom, Best and Oldest, The Brooklyn Paper’s PS…I Love You columnist, Diaper Diva, of course, local architectural historian Francis Morrone, and many more.
And that’s not all. Just look at this list of celebrities who are turning 50 in 2008: Holly Hunter, Ellen DeGeneres, Sharon Stone, Miranda Richardson, Michele Pfeiffer, Annette Benning, Kevin Bacon, Alec Baldwin, Prince, Madonna, Tim Burton, Michael Jackson, Tim Robbins, Viggo Mortensen and Jamie Lee Curtis.
Suddenly, Smarmtom isn’t feeling so bad. Maybe the Park Slope Half-Century Club should show movies starring actors turning 50 this year. They could have a Holly Hunter film festival and watch “Broadcast News,” “Thirteen,” “The Piano” and “Raising Arizona.” How about “Bull Durham” with Tim Robbins or “The Lord of the Rings” with Mortensen?
The club could dance to CDs by Prince, Madonna and Michael Jackson and discuss books by 1958-born authors like Park Slope’s George Hagen (“The Laments”), Mitch Albom (“The Five People You Meet in Heaven”), Roddy Doyle (“Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha”) Christina Garcia (“Dreaming in Cuban”) and George Saunders (“In Persuasion Nation”).
The more she thought about it, the more she liked the idea of a Park Slope Half-Century Club. Maybe it’s a club she wouldn’t mind being part of even if she really has no choice. The group could compile an interesting list of historical events that happened in 1958 and even talk about what it was like to be 10 years old in 1968, that most iconic year, when Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy were both assassinated.
They could share memories of “duck-and-cover” Cold War exercises in elementary school, anti-war demonstrations, bake sales for Eugene McCarthy, and Watergate hearings on network television.
So it’s decided. Smartmom and Ciao Bella are gong to do it: The Park Slope Half-Century Club. Next week, when Smartmom runs into Ciao Bella at that Sunday Weight Watchers Meeting, they will come up with a plan. Maybe they can even figure out the secret handshake?
Who’s in?
I’m turning 50 in June. I feel like a kid.
what about where we all were when JFK was shot, if you want to get historical about the whole thing… we were all 5 years old…