According to Go Brooklyn, if you call the old Inaka Sushi phone number you get Mura Sushi at 369 Fifth Avenue.
On to fishier matters: Park Slope’s Inaka Sushi has closed and dialing the phone number now leads callers to Mura (369 Fifth Ave. at Sixth Street in Park Slope) where a staffer wouldn’t explain what happened to Inaka, but did offer to replicate any item from its menu for me.
This could mean a couple of things.
1. Mura Sushi is moving into the spot where Inaka used to be on Seventh Avenue between 4th and 5th Streets.
2. Inaka Sushi gave its customers to Mura Sushi.
3. Inaka Sushi is taking over Mura Sushi.
4. Inaka Sushi is Mura Sushi.
Anyone know?
What is happening with the old Inaka Sushi place? I think the building was cited because they didn’t have any permits for construction, though a lot of work went on in the past month.
Ok now I know when I called Mura and mis-described the sushi combo using the word “deluxe” ( a word that appeared on Inaka’s menu) the person on the phone explained that they were not Inaka. I wonder if as Inaka closed they did push their customers towards Mura? Even if they did no problem for me. Mura is a wonderful restaurant.. eaten there and ordered from many times.
Now you’re opening another can of worms! Which Kiku? 5th Ave or one of the 2 on 7th Ave! I’m pretty certain that the 5th Avenue one has no relation to the original 7th Avenue (once did, but doesn’t anymore). I have no idea about the new 7th avenue Kiku. But I LOVE 5th Avenue Kiku, so I reiterate your recommendation if, in fact, you meant the 5th Avenue one…
Does it matter? It’s a simple business move, one made in other industries all the time.
Try Kiku instead! The sushi is much fresher and much better made than anything you could get at Inaka, and the delivery is speedy fast.