Much improved. Much improved. That’s all I can say.
The new PSCC web site has a clean, contemporary web-site look. It’s easy to read, easy to navigate. Well-organized, nicely written. There are nice photographs, too.
Their old web site was seriously insufficient. It’s good that they recognized the power of the web as a way to communicate the vitality of who they are. Indeed, the web is a great way for non-profits and community organizations to communicate what they’re about, disseminate information and brand themselves.
Good work PSCC. Sub-sections include: Who We Are, Nurturing Community, Speaking Up, Grants, Civic News…
Some of the information seems a little buried to me.
It’s in the Speaking Up section where you can read about PSCC’s community based activism: Buy in Brooklyn, Whole Foods, the Atlantic Yards Project, historic district expansion, Grand Army Plaza Coalition, Congestion Pricing.
It’s in the Nurturing Community section that you can read about the House Tours, the Halloween Parade. Seems like there should be reference to these things on the home page.
It could be in the writing. Something like: “From the folks who bring you the Halloween Parade, the House Tours, the yellow umbrellas, etc.” Each item could have a hyper-link.
There’s a whole page about the Buy in Brooklyn initiative. Hey they even mention and link to OTBKB.