An OTBKB reader wants to know:

I told her that I like the one on Sixth Avenue at 5th Street which was immortalized by Mo Willems in his book, the Knuffle Bunny.

Book Description: Trixie steps lively as she goes on an errand with her daddy, down the block, through the park, past the school, to the Laundromat. For the toddler, loading and putting money into the machine invoke wide-eyed pleasure. But, on the return home, she realizes something. Readers will know immediately that her stuffed bunny has been left behind but try as she might, (in hilarious gibberish), she cannot get her father to understand her problem. Despite his plea of “please don’t get fussy,” she gives it her all, bawling and going “boneless.” They both arrive home unhappy. Mom immediately sees that “Knuffle Bunny” is missing and so it’s back to the Laundromat they go. After several tries, dad finds the toy among the wet laundry and reclaims hero status. Yet, this is not simply a lost-and-found tale. The toddler exuberantly exclaims, “Knuffle Bunny!!!” “And those were the first words Trixie ever said.”

Any other suggestions?


  1. There aren’t many self-serve laundromats to choose from anymore. You can tell a more affluent neighborhood (one in which residents apparently have their own laundry facilities, and/or send their wash to the commercial establishments) when the storefronts which used to house laundromats now are home to real estate offices. I’ve always liked the one on 7th Avenue at 1st St., not because of its own qualities, but because Connecticut Muffin is nearby for snacks.

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