Throughout the day comments came in from readers about Sunday night’s incident on 9th Street. Here’s what readers wrote in. No one seemed to know what happened.
–Watched this out my bedroom window all night…friends and relatives were pleading with the man inside over a block-rocking loudspeaker until at least 3 a.m. There were dogs and SWAT guys on the roof. No sign of the outcome when I left for work this morning. Scary stuff on a very quiet street!
–Yeah, I also live across the street. It was pretty scary. From the announcements over the loudspeaker, it seemed like this was a possible suicide attempt. At one point, they told him to take the gun out of his mouth. They were pleading with him most of the night to come to the window just to let them know he was ok and to drop the gun out the window. Was woken up again around 1:30 a.m. or so to hear them saying that his mother, father and sister were there. They had rigged this phone in a bucket outside his window and were asking to reach into the bucket and call them. I don’t know how it ended. I woke up this morning at 6:30 a.m. and the street was all clear. I would be very curious to find out what happened; I was just really sad to hear this might be a suicide attempt. I hope it all worked out ok.
–does anyone know anything more about this and how it ended? the swat team was on my roof last night – pretty unnerving.
Brooklyn Skeptic had this to add on their blog:
The incident was resolved around 4:30am, when they managed to get Dave away from the building peacefully. The entire block was surrounded in police tape. Anyone trying to get home after 8pm was forced to either find somewhere else to stay, or wait until the standoff was over. My roommates were not allowed to leave our apartment. I was not allowed to get into it.
Someone on Park SLope Parents had this to say:
There is a report on Gothamist. I live across the
street. I think the basics are that he got drunk,
there was a domestic dispute, there were shots fired,
and he refused to come out of the apartment. I did
hear a shot, and the loud speaker with the negotiator
until like 5:30 this morning. Very hard to sleep, it
was right outside my window. Dogs barking, SWAT,