Japanese Television was at Union Hall Saturday afternoon taping a show about Care Bears on Fire, the hotter than hot trio, leaders of Park Slope’s kid core scene. They’ve got a record contract, a CD that’s gotten a lot of press, and one of the band members performs in a Converse television ad.

A crowd began to gather on the steps leading down to Union Hall’s basement performance space at around 1:30 when Care Bears was finishing their sound check and Mighty Handful was getting just started.

The downstair’s space is neon lit and highly atmospheric like a 1950’s union hall. I guess that’s what it was. There’s a full bar for adults and special drinks for kids like Worm Punch and Hot Chocolate.

The room was packed with fans and friends of Mighty Handful when the band began to play at 3 p.m. In the audience, there were also lots of parents and young kids (3-13), who make up the Care Bears audience.

When Mighty Handful’s fans started moshing, some of the parents got agitated and asked them to stop. The kids didn’t seem to mind but some of the really little kids might have gotten trampled by the unbridled rock and roll energy of the dancers.

Mighty Handful, as the name suggests, is a wildly energetic and eclectic mesh of musical influences and styles. The lead singers (Henry Crawford and Jack Ferenz) definitely project a Mick and Keith vibe, as they riff off of one another and sing and move emotively.

While this was their very first gig, the band members are veterans of other bands and there’s a level of comfort when it comes to stage performance. Everyone seemed highly committed and creative. The energy level and chemistry between the band members was intense.

All I can say is this: I was blown away and am very excited about the prospects for this brand new band. Their next show is at the Cake Shop in February.

Care Bears show began at 4 p.m. and the room was stuffed to the gills with their young fans. I had to leave but Hepcat stayed around. He was very impressed and said their punk pop sound is very tight and very professional. He loved the drummer and said that the singer/guitarist really knows what she’s doing.