The New York Observer reports that our man Bill de Blasio is in Iowa stumping for Hillary Clinton.
City Councilman Bill de Blasio of Brooklyn spent late 2003 and early
2004 traveling to Iowa as a volunteer to help his candidate at the
time, John Edwards, engineer a surprisingly strong showing in the
caucuses there.Now he’s back in the Hawkeye state, helping fellow New Yorker
Hillary Clinton compete in what has become a tough contest. "I think
folks from Iowa, like people in New Hampshire, they’re used to people
coming in from the outside, probably more so than any other place in
the country," de Blasio told me earlier this week from the city of
Clinton (seriously), just north of Davenport."The outsiders are facilitators," he said.
De Blasio, who also managed Clinton’s 2000 Senate campaign, thinks
Iowa is significant for both New York candidates, but for different
reasons: "This could be a breakthrough moment for Hillary and a death
knell for Rudy.”